Friday, March 13, 2009

Questions from 8/A Nakkaş P.S.

1.Do you take an exam for attending highchools?
2.Do you have a chance to do whatever you want at your school?
3.Are there strict rules at your school?
4.Have you ever run a project related to environment matters?
5.Does your school have an infirmary in your school?
6.What is Poland famous for?
7.How many classes are there in your school?
8.Are there any Turkish students or people around you or in your city?
9.What are your traditional clothes?
10.We have National Children Fest, Do you celebrate any fests like that?

1 comment:

  1. 1.We have an exam after finishing primary education. If you pass your exam with good results you can choose the highschool you want. But the education is obligatory up to the age of 18. In primary school English in not being examined so far but in four years it will be.
    2.We do not have a chance to do whatever we want. Our teachers always tell us what we are allowed or not allowed to do.Only during the breaks we can play but of course there are some rules to be obeyed, too.
    3.We would say that there are rather strict rules in our school. But it is difficult to say what you would call strict rules. The system of assessment here involves points being awarded for good behaviour to pupils and deducted for misbehaviour.We have 200 points when we start the school year ( good behaviour) if we gain points we have very good or excellent behaviour but if we loose points we have unappropriate behaviour shown on our certificates.
    4.We care about the environment that’s why we do participate in projects concerning that problem. We have recycling beens at school, we collect used batteries, we collaborate with our local institutions learning about the importance of ecology.
    5.We do have an infirmary in our school. However, there’s no doctor but it’s the nurse who helps us when we don’t feel well.

    6.Poland is famous for its historic cities like Krakow, Zamość, Toruń or Malbork. Apart from the outstanding monuments of the past there are also unique lanscapes, fantastic views and contact with wild nature.
    Poland is the birthplace of some world famous individuals, including Pope John Paul II, Marie Skłodowska Curie, Nicolaus Copernicus and Fryderyk Chopin.

    Commodities produced in Poland include: electronics, cars ( Leopard car), buses (Autosan, Jelcz SA, Solaris, Solbus), helicopters, transport equipment, locomotives, planes, ships, military engineering (including tanks), medicines, food, clothes, glass, pottery (Bolesławiec), chemical products and others.

    7.There are 23 classes in our school. Usually there are four classes of students at the same age A-D. In each class there are 20 – 30 students. Subjects such as English, Information technology, PE are taught in smaller groups.

    8.Unfortunately we do not know any Turkish people, so probably there are not many in our city if any at all. However some of us have visited Turkey during summer holidays. We can tell you about it. Those who have seen your country say that it is beautiful and we believe it’s true.You could teach us a few simple words in your language.

    9.Our traditional clothes differ depending on the region of the country. We are going to show you some of them in our photos.

    10.We celebrate the Kid’s day on the 1st of June. Traditionally at our school we have School’s Sports Day on that day. All classes go to our local stadium and take part in various competitions.

    And here are the answers for your previous questions.

    After school we can develop our skills, too. We have:
    Sports club, cheerleaders club, computer club, journalist club, eTwinning club, drama club. saths club, science club, music club.

    The points that you have 0-100 work here as percentage scale for grades when we write tests.
